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Results for "main_practice: "Connections", latest_content: 1"
National Dog Day Quotes, teaching stories, book recommendations to honor these animals and the shelters and humane organizations that work for their welfare, plus our 25 favorite DVDs about dogs
Arba'een Commemorating the martyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.
Sit Spot An exercise to do while you are in a forest or other spot of nature.
Birthday of Joanna Macy (PDP) A tribute to the eco-philosopher and Buddhist scholar.
Finding the Personal Link Suggestions for fostering the connection between your personal story and the earth's story.
Birthday of E. M. Forster Remembering the British writer who advised that we "Only connect" by savoring our connections to special people and places.
One Intention Lojong An aphorism and contemplation to live for the benefit of others.
A Smile & A Hello Encouragement to connect.
All Things An entreaty to live with reverence for all things.
Connections Practice A practice suggestion from the Brussat's Alphabet of Progressive Christian Spirituality.